We all know how difficult it can be to come up with healthy,
tasty and different ideas for school lunchboxes.
Lunch is a very important meal, particularly for school
going children. So it is important that we make it as interesting and appealing
as possible.
Here are some simple ideas that may help you provide a satisfying lunchbox for your school going little ones.
Kids get bored having the same thing, day in day
Letting the kids cut their sandwiches into shapes
using cookie cutters will soon see them
have a keener interest in their lunch!
Something as simple as changing the type of
bread you use can help to alleviate the boredom. Try wholemeal pitta breads,
bagels, tortilla wraps, baps, and wholemeal baguettes.
Crackers and cubed pieces of cheese are a great
snack, particularly if you have younger kids who may only eat a bite out of a
sandwich before discarding.
Add in some grapes, cherry tomatoes, carrot
sticks and lengths of red pepper (it’s sweeter) to make a smorgasbord of
flavours and textures. Hummus is a great protein packed dip if you can get them
to eat it!
Cold pasta or rice salads are great when tossed
with ham and vegetables, like cucumbers, carrots and sweetcorn. Pasta can be
mixed with a little olive oil or mayonnaise for added flavour.
Keep sweet treats, crisps, high sugar drinks out
of lunch boxes, even if your child’s school doesn’t have a healthy eating
policy. These foods and drinks should not be a part of your child’s daily diet
due to the high sugar & salt content.
Yogurts, rice cakes, unsweetened juice, water
and fruit all have a part to play in lunch boxes.