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Sunday, August 12, 2012

How do you get kids to eat healthier?

I had an interesting conversation the other evening. It was a rare summer evening where we got to sit outside and eat our food, share some wine and chat. The kids were playing happily in the garden and our chat turned to kids and what they'll eat.
One of  the group made what is in my opinion an excellent observation. From someone who is currently writing a family cookbook with kids healthy eating as the driving factor I found her opinion quite enlightening, and it was this. The key to keeping children healthy may not be what we give them rather what we don't give them. Pretty cool, right? So, I started thinking, if you have a fussy eater, which I do, isnt it better to make sure that he doesnt overload on empty calorie sugars, that spike his blood sugar levels and junk food filled with hydrogenated fats? If all you can do to get meat or fish into them is disquised in breadcrumbs, at least make them yourself with wholewheat breadcrumbs and egg and even wholewheat flour if you want. At least that way they arent getting pre-packaged gunk that has no nutritional value whatsoever. And in between meals, snacks need to be on the healthy spectrum rather than the sugar one. This way at least, even if they are fighting you at the table, and it gets tiring I know, you can at least console yourself that your doing the best you can do in the circumstances, right?

1 comment:

  1. I agree jill it makes lots of sense. In the long run your kids will thank you when they are older and they hopefully will make better healthy food choices for themselves.
