I see no reason to diviate from this tried and true recipe as in all the years I have made pancakes - and certainly not just once a year! - this recipe has worked a treat for our family.
So below is the basic pancake recipe that makes approx. 12 - 14.
You can certainly go all out and do savoury and sweet pancakes and stay true to the day.
For savoury ones you can do something as simple as grated cheddar and ham. You could take it up a notch and use some of your favourite cheese, like brie with an onion chutney. The heat of the pancakes complements the cool brie beautifully.
For a sweet combination it's hard to beat the traditional butter, lemon and sugar. However, nutella and banana works great, or berries and yogurt.
Maple syrup with or without bacon works well and would traditionally be used with an american pancake (thicker than the crepe style we are creating with this recipe), but there are no rules that say you have to eat them in any way over the other.
If you are making pancakes for breakfast you could always add a pinch of cinnamon to the batter and a dash of vanilla extract.
Whatever you decide to do. Enjoy your pancakes and I'd love to hear about what toppings you and your family like to use.
4oz (110g) plain flour
pinch salt
2 large eggs
7 fl oz (200ml) milk mixed with 3 fl oz (75ml) water
2oz (50g) butter
Sift flour and salt into large mixing bowl, with the sieve held high above the bowl so the flour gets an airing.
Make a well in the centre and break the eggs into it.
Whisk the eggs, incorporating all the flour from around the bowl.
Add small quantities at a time, of the milk and water mixture, whilst continuing to whisk.
When all the liquid has been added use a spatula and scrape any bits of flour from around the edge into the centre.
Whisk again until batter is smooth and any lumps are gone.
It should be the consistency of thin cream.
Melt the butter in a pan.
Spoon 2 tablespoons of the melted butter into the batter and whisk it in.
Set the remaining butter aside to be used when cooking the pancakes.
Place the batter into a measuring jug or similiar to make it easier to pour into the pan.
If using a 7 inch pan (18cm) - use 2 tablespoons of batter. If using an 8 inch (20cm) - use 3 tablespoons of batter.
Heat your pan to very hot before lowering it down to medium and pour in a little melted butter.
Add the batter and swish around the pan to cover the base of the pan.
Cook for approx 30 seconds until the mixture starts to change texture.
Using a palette knife you can lift the edge and check that the under side is a golden colour.
Shake the pan slightly to release the pancake and if you are feeling brave, or indeed just want to give it a go despite the outcome you can flip the pancake over.
Otherwise, use a fish slice and turn the pancake and cook again for approx 20 seconds.
You can stack the pancakes between sheets of greaseproof paper as you make them on a warmed plate - although if your house is anything like mine they won't last on a plate and have to be served as soon as they are cooked!
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